lunes, 2 de diciembre de 2013

Medieval History

Medieval History. Session One.

Printable notes of medieval history.


In pairs: make a crossword with a list o ten words related with the content of the unit.

Where to look for definitions:

Two sites to make a good crossword puzzle:

Medieval history. Session Two.


Medieval society (printable). Glossary.

Medieval society (online). Crossword.

Medieval history. Session Three.

Rural and urban life in the Middle Ages. Links.

Rural life: the Manor

Urban life: Medieval towns

Rural life: The Manor

A videoquiz about rural life in the Middle Ages

Activity: Write an essay of about 120 words that begins with these words: "A manor is a self-sufficient area of land owned by a lord."

You can find the appropriate vocabulary in this site.

Medieval history. Session Four.

Urban life: Medieval towns

Printable activity. Medieval versus modern cities.
Activity. Write a comparison between life in medieval towns and modern cities.
1) Write a paragraph (about 40 words) explaining the main differences between the two towns.
2) Write a paragraph (about 40 words ) explaining the reasons for these differences
3) Write a paragraph (about 40 words) explaining the result of these differences.  

Medieval history. Session Five.

After watching the video do the following online activity.

Activity: Create a timeline using timetoast.  Create a timeline of at least 8 events (each event along with a title, an image and a brief description of about 25 words of what occurred) starting with the fall of the Roman in 476 Empire and ending with the fall of Constantinople in 1453.

Medieval history. Session Six.

The Black Death
Printable activity about the Plague

Final activity: a crossword about the Middle Ages

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